Utilizzo e Opzioni del Comando DNSCMD

da | Mar 25, 2011

Per comandare da linea di comando le operazioni sul server DNS di Windows NT, Windows 2000, e Windows 2003, esiste un comando denominato DNSCMD.

Questo comando permette di apportare alcune modifiche sulle ZONE del DNS Server e sui RECORDS delle ZONE.
Su Windows 2003, la sintassi è del tipo:

DnsCmd <ServerName> <Command> [<Command Parameters>]

IP address or host name    — remote or local DNS server
. — DNS server on local machine
< Command>:
/Info                      — Get server information
/Config                    — Reset server or zone configuration
/EnumZones                 — Enumerate zones
/Statistics                — Query/clear server statistics data
/ClearCache                — Clear DNS server cache
/WriteBackFiles            — Write back all zone or root-hint datafile(s)
/StartScavenging           — Initiates server scavenging
/ResetListenAddresses      — Set server IP address(es) to serve DNS requests
/ResetForwarders           — Set DNS servers to forward recursive queries to
/ZoneInfo                  — View zone information
/ZoneAdd                   — Create a new zone on the DNS server
/ZoneDelete                — Delete a zone from DNS server or DS
/ZonePause                 — Pause a zone
/ZoneResume                — Resume a zone
/ZoneReload                — Reload zone from its database (file or DS)
/ZoneWriteBack             — Write back zone to file
/ZoneRefresh               — Force refresh of secondary zone from master
/ZoneUpdateFromDs          — Update a DS integrated zone by data from DS
/ZonePrint                 — Display all records in the zone
/ZoneResetType             — Change zone type
/ZoneResetSecondaries      — Reset secondary\notify information for a zone
/ZoneResetScavengeServers  — Reset scavenging servers for a zone
/ZoneResetMasters          — Reset secondary zone’s master servers
/ZoneExport                — Export a zone to file
/ZoneChangeDirectoryPartition — Move a zone to another directory partition
/EnumRecords               — Enumerate records at a name
/RecordAdd                 — Create a record in zone or RootHints
/RecordDelete              — Delete a record from zone, RootHints or cache
/NodeDelete                — Delete all records at a name
/AgeAllRecords             — Force aging on node(s) in zone
/EnumDirectoryPartitions   — Enumerate directory partitions
/DirectoryPartitionInfo    — Get info on a directory partition
/CreateDirectoryPartition  — Create a directory partition
/DeleteDirectoryPartition  — Delete a directory partition
/EnlistDirectoryPartition  — Add DNS server to partition replication scope
/UnenlistDirectoryPartition — Remove DNS server from replication scope
/CreateBuiltinDirectoryPartitions — Create built-in partitions

<Command Parameters>:
DnsCmd <CommandName> /? — For help info on specific Command

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  • Raffaele Chiatto  Amministratore
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Raffaele Chiatto

Raffaele Chiatto

Sono Raffaele Chiatto, un appassionato di informatica a 360 gradi. Tutto è iniziato nel 1996, quando ho scoperto il mondo dell'informatica grazie a Windows 95, e da quel momento non ho più smesso di esplorare e imparare. Ogni giorno mi dedico con curiosità e passione a scoprire le nuove frontiere di questo settore in continua evoluzione.
Tag: CA | database | DNS | dos | files | IP | mac | nat | print | reset | root | Server | Windows
Categorie: DNS Server | Server

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